vintage hair

Z is for zzz: sleeping in pin curls

It's the very last week of my A-Z of a vintage girl in a modern world, how did that happen? Let's celebrate with my first ever hair tutorial! This post is all about wet sets, which is what I usually do on a Friday night (I know, so rock & roll), as it means my… Continue reading Z is for zzz: sleeping in pin curls

General musing

Why turning 30 isn’t so bad after all (non-wedding post) – 35 weeks to go

This week, The Boy is away for work, and as I mentioned in my last post, we're not planning any weddings until both our birthdays are out of the way. My birthday is on Wednesday, and as such, I have almost nothing to share in the way of wedding news. Except that we have arranged… Continue reading Why turning 30 isn’t so bad after all (non-wedding post) – 35 weeks to go